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Dragging an NSCell subclass from an Interface Builder palette

If you've got your own NSCell subclass that you want to put on an Interface Builder palette, you'll probably think that you need to call -[IBPalette associateObject:ofType:withView:] using IBCellPboardType as the type. This doesn't work. It turns out you need to use IBTableColumnPboardType. I don't know what IBCellPboardType is for.

Also, IB will send -[NSCell setObjectValue:] to your cell to fill in the dummy values in puts it tables in design mode. So you have to be able to accept the values it sends (probably of type NSNumber and/or NSString), even if your cell doesn't normally accept values of those types.

Also, if you want to see how IB's built-in "Data Views" palette (the one with the table view and the cells on it) draws the built-in cells, open up this nib:

/Developer/Applications/Interface Builder.app/Contents/Resources/CocoaFramework.palette/Contents/Resources/IBDataViews.nib

It turns out to be kind of a hack, with two NSTextFields and some appropriate control (NSButton, NSSlider, etc.) on top of each other, nested in a simple NSView. The NSTextFields are set up to overlap, with the bottom one having a black border and the top one having no border and covering the sides of the bottom one.

It's very handy to add a "custom executable" to your IB palette Xcode project, with the executable being /Developer/Applications/Interface Builder.app. Then you can press ⌘R to start IB to test out your palette, or ⌘Y to run IB under GDB so you can debug your palette. Be careful not to start IB by some other mechanism (like by double-clicking a nib) if you're going to use this technique, because IB won't start up correctly and (at least for me) Xcode will probably hang.

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